
May 29, 2019
Ema Tanovic successfully defended her dissertation on individual differences in cognitive, affective, and behavioral responses to uncertainty. Congratulations, Ema!  Next,...
May 1, 2019
Michael Vanderlind successfully defended his dissertation on positive emotion dysregulation in depression. Congratulations, Michael!  Next, Michael will be completing a two-...
March 17, 2019
Ema Tanovic, a graduate student in the ARC Lab, had a paper on anticipation of uncertain threat accepted in the International Journal of Psychophysiology. The paper, titled “...
Ema Tanovic, Libby Lewis, and Dana Allswede match for internship
February 23, 2019
Ema Tanovic and Libby Lewis, fifth-year graduate students, matched at their first-choice internship sites! Ema will be at Pennsylvania Hospital/University of Pennsylvania...
February 22, 2019
Michael Berry, ARC Lab alum, and Ema Tanovic, ARC Lab graduate student, had a paper on sustained responding to rewards and losses accepted in Psychophysiology. The paper,...
September 24, 2018
Colin Stanton, a fourth-year grad student in the ARC Lab, recently had a review paper accepted in the journal Trends in Neurosciences. The review is a collaboration between...
September 10, 2018
Libby Lewis recently had a paper on the effects of worry and rumination on attention to emotional stimuli accepted. The paper, entitled Does repetitive negative thinking...
